Col de l'Orme s(u)
This is one of the really nice low traffic routes
that surround my favorite village in the coastal
area - Luceram. Col de l'Orne is actually located in
a dip on the paved road. But there is a noticeable
summit point between the pass and the junction with
Col de Braus.
START-END SOUTH 1: jct D2204-D2566
2.(370m,km10) profile turns left onto D54,
just before reaching Col de Braus
3.(1250m,km15) TOP: Col de l'Orme s(u)
4.(1200m,km15) Col de l'Able
5.(1130m,km19) route turns left onto D21,
coming down from Col de Turini; Col de
l'Orme is located about 1/4th of the
distance back to point 4.
6.(1010m,km23) Luceram
7.(630m,km29) START-END SOUTH 2: same as
point 2
8.(370m,km37) START-END SOUTH ALT: jct
D2204-D15 la Pointe de Blausasc |
From East. Just a few
meters west of the summit of Col de Braus, a
wavy undulating carpet of pavement climbs higher,
direction Col de l'Orme and Col de l'Able. The
profile also includes one of the many ways to
climb to Col de Braus, this one from the Nice
Hard to decide weather this road has more
horizontal curves or vertical curves, that is
actual turns in the road, or surface waves. One
thing is for sure, it does wind around a lot,
mostly on this side. Through the trees great views
of Sospel, Col St Jean and the snowcapped peaks
behind it appear. The highest point is still in
the trees, but has a good far view of the road up
From West. (described
downwards). Col de l'Orme is signed, and the sign
appears at a dip in the road. A trail crosses
here, connecting Sospel with a point further down
on the road described here, and eventually
After "crossing" the actual point Col de l'Orme,
the road ends at a T which connects Col de Turini with
Luceram. The profile turns left and the best part
of this ride is still ahead. It is the final
flurry of extended switchbacks that show off
Luceram from new angles. Unlike almost all other
hilltowns so close to Nice, this one is not
surrounded by modern bungalows. In order to get
that illusion of picturesqueness, you do not have
to choose your frame of view. The two church
towers of this town town shift in position with
every switchback. The profile continues downhill
all the way to the outskirts of Nice to show a
maximum elevation gain.
Dayride with this point as highest summit:
Col de l'Orme s(u) , Chemin
Strateguique des Banquettes , Col du Savel , Col de Pacrace :
Nice - St Margaruite > beach bike path
west > Nice Port > Col de Quatre
Chemins(shp) > Col d'Eze(shp) > La Turbie
> Col Pacrace > Peille > Chemin
Strategique des Banquettes west > Col des
Banquettes(shp) > Col Segra (shp) > Col du
Farguet(shp) > Chemin Stratgique des Banquettes
s(u) > Col du Braus(shp) > Col de l'Orme
s(u) > Luceram > up Chemin des Mounts >
Col du Savel > Coroaze > Drap > Nice Port
> beach bike path and city streets back to
starting point: (80.0 miles with 7759ft of
climbing in 7:47hrs Garmin Etrex30 m4:14.5.15).
Notes: Col de Pacrace is a shoulder point on
the direct route. But if I remember right, I
missed the turnoff the first time, so that it
came to over 300ft descend, ie making this a
shoulder summit.
The first day with different start and end points
on this tour is on page: Col de Palmarella/
Col de la Croix

between Col de Braus and Col de

Luceram from the lower west side of Col de l'Orme
(telephoto view)
