Pascoso - Gragliana s(u)
I never intended going over this
summit. But I want to also write about it, to
remind myself that sometimes getting lost is not
that bad. Actually it may have been a more
interesting route, than the one I had planned.
There must be hundreds of miles of these 2 meter
wide roads, all very well paved, threading
together countless villages and solitary stone
houses in the Alpi Apuani Mountains. Many of these
are not shown on any maps that I have seen.
START-END SOUTH: jct SP2 - road to Pascoso
2.(283m,8.0km) profile turns right at this
signed four way intersection in Trebbio.
3.(458m,10.9km) Pescaglia
4.(740m,16.0km) Pescaglia - San Rocco in
Turrite s(u)
5.(590m,18.3km) road on right keeps going
downhill to Serchio Valley
6.(655m,19.5km) Pascoso
7.(845m,21.1km) TOP: Pascoso - Gragliana
s(u); profile turns right at this
intersection, even if I did not
8.(470m,25.6km) Gragliana
9.(150m,36.2km) START-END NORTH: sp20
bridge over Serchio, east of Fornaci Di
From South. The profile goes over the Pescaglia San
Rocco in Turrite s(u) to a low point. The
way to summit described here, stays straight and
climbs again. In a picturesque spot between a
church and a house, that seems too narrow for any
cars to pass, a sign points steeply upwards to a
cemetery. It reads Matanna. Beyond this there are
no more signs until the road is Serchio bound. The
profile follows this very steep narrow climb to a
miniature fork in the path, located at a tower of
some sort. This is approximately the summit point.
The profile stays right, but I chose the left at
first. It seems that all paths eventually end at
singular stone houses, the Apuani Park or an old
car used for target practice. However on a fully
suspended mountain bike I think you could continue
on some of these paths, which are signed as
walking trails.
From North. (described downwards). However
staying right at the tower mentioned above,
leads to yet another set of swtichbacks down into
the valley The next small settlement at the bottom
of the has a wild photogenic aspect with an
agroturismo place nearby. In order of appearance
the list of attractions on the way down are as
follows: a nicely sculpted war memorial in front
of a small village gate, yet another hilltown far
above the road, just in case you would ever run
out of new climbing possibilities in a hundred
years or so, in the next town a Roman bridge (at
least it looks Roman to me) ormanented with
flowers, last and least a damned lake in a rugged
valley just before the first view of the town
Borgo appears on a hill on the other side of the
Pascoso - Gragliana s(u) , Pescaglia - San
Rocco in Turrite s(u) , SP7 Barga(sh) :
Borgo in Mozzano > Diecimo > Fondagno >
Piazzanello > Pescaglia > Pescaglia - San
Rocco in Turrite s(u) > Pascoso <> out
and back beyond end of pavementos ocn a number of
small roads south and west >> Pascoso
- Gragliana s(u) > Gragliana > back down
into Serchio Valley, east side of river > up
SP7 > Barga with detours > SP7 Barga(sh)
> back down to Serchio Valley > back to
starting point on east side of river:
56.2miles with 5900ft of climbing in 6:02hrs
(Garmin etrex e30 m4:14.5.26}
The last day with different start and end points
is on page: Col de
