Pescaglia - San Rocco in
Turrite s(u)
This is a small summit, that
serves as demonstration what makes the riding here
so pleasant and scenic. But probably the best
aspect is, that it seems that there are dozens of
summits like these just waiting to be discovered
by riders who are just bike wandering around. And
should one ever run out of two summits, there are
inumerable one way climbs to 7th century churches
and old villages. But the pavement is from the
pleasant present.
START-END SOUTH: jct SP2 - road to Pascoso
2.(283m,8.0km) profile turns right at this
signed four way intersection in Trebbio.
3.(458m,10.9km) Pescaglia
4.(740m,16.0km) TOP: Pescaglia - San Rocco
in Turrite s(u)
5.(590m,18.3km) road on right keeps going
downhill to Serchio Valley
6.(470m,23.3km) Gragliana
7.(150m,34.6km) START-END NORTH: sp20
bridge over Serchio, east of Fornaci Di
From South. The profile
starts where the riding gets pleasant, and that is
after turning away from busy SP2, and heading
direction Torre and Pescaglia instead. The first
several km of this little road has big trucks
hauling big rocks. The quarry is only a few km up
the road, and they were producing artifical land
slices as I went by. After that it gets quiet
The first intersection contains what seems like
half a dozen names, that I still can't find on my
map. But all of them have a ring to them and
promise to be hidden spots in the mountains. The
only thing I know about this intersection, is that
the comes down from Passo
del Lucese, and that is something the over a
dozen of signs do not tell you.
The route continues straight to Pescaglia. The
road starts to contour up towards the hilltown on
the right, at the same time improving the vantage
point on a village across the valley. In the
distance across the valley, from my perspective it
looked like somebody was watering the lawn on top
of a church roof. But that was probably an optical
illusion due to foreshortening, yet it gives an
idea of the view.
Eventually the road winds high above Pescaglia to a
panoramic vantage point of the road just climbed.
The surface is covered with 200m and 500m chalk
marks, signaling that this climb too has been used
in bike races. A well defined top of a high peak of
the Alpi Apuani appears behind the next small drop
in the road, and this marks the summit.
From North. The
profile descends this small dip and turns right to
descend back down to the valley of the Serchio.
Going straight is probably one of the most
interesting places to get lost that I know of, and
the chances that one will get lost are very high.
More on the Pascoso
-Gragliana page.
A Dayride with this point as intermediate
summit is on the page: Pascoso -
Gragliana s(u)