Washington: Favorite (mostly) paved Summits and Passes

1. FR99 Bear Meadow s(u) : This is a remote road on the eastern slope of Mount Saint Hellens. Some members of the Cascade Bicycle Club tell me, they refer to this ride as Snowshoe Pass. However all passes on this ride are actually located at a lower elevation than this summit. There may be a short unpaved section on this loop.

2. Paradise s(u) : For climbers of Mount Raineer this is the starting point. For road cyclists it's a summit. There are many impressive views along the way of immense Mt Raineer from below, including a very short section on an old historic section of road, with particularly nice views.

3. Elk Pass : Another curvy, remote road east of Mount Saint Hellens, with a couple of great views onto the mountain. Isolation is the main attraction here.

4. Chinook Pass: Another great viewpoint road onto Mount Raineer.

5. Old Blewett Pass: Such a relief from the regular Blewett Pass, that it becomes a favorite.


