An especially interesting subgroup of passes in
the alps are border passes between Austria and
Italy. The border generally runs along one of
the main ridges of the central alps. These
border crossings have a turbulent history
spanning two world war. But this region is also
a single cultural entity, Tirol, today
politically divided into south, north and east.
The Klammjoch is fairly good dirt road between
South Tyrol and East Tyrol, that some people
also cross on road bikes. It has an extensive
stretch above treeline.
01.(00.0km, 856m) START-END EAST:
02.(05.5km, 1088m) Hopfgarten iD
03.(17.0km, 1310m) Schwarzach
04.(21.0km,1387m) St Jakob iD
05.(26.9km, 1569m) stay right, left
goes to Staller Sattel
06.(42.0km, 2288m) TOP: Klammjoch
07.(50.7km, 1571m) START-END EAST
ALTERNATE: Rain in Faufers /Riva di
08.(61.1km, 882m) turn left in Sand in
Taufers / Campo Tures
09.(73.5km, 822m) St Georgen / San
10.(75.9km, 834m) START-END EAST:
Bruneck / Brunico |

From East. Sankt Jakob is a
good starting point for a ride up Klammjoch. But
the the very bottom of this approach is
really much lower, and common to Staller Sattel.
At the bottom of the Defereggental lies Huben at
819m. Looking for an even lower point to start the
day, one could also choose Lienz at 673m. From
Sankt Jakob the road to the pass heads east,
paralleled on the other side of the river by a
partly unpaved bike path. The junction to
Klammjoch is signed as Oberhaus. A narrow paved
road that can only fit cars in one direction (but
is open in two directions) climbs to the (guest
house) Oberhaus Alpengasthof - great care
required because of the narrow road and rare,
unexpected cars. Peaks above 3000m, still covered
in snow in June appear between the trees. Since
there is practically no traffic, the background of
the rushing mountain stream is the loudest noise.

rom Oberhaus the sharp peaks
flanking the Klammjoch become visible for the
first time as backdrop to the Schwarzachtal
(tal=valley). Some up and down through the trees
gives way to steady climbing, leading to a large
cow herding complex at treeline, the Jagdhausalm.
Along the way are several ingenious cow gates,
that only consist of a flexible stick of sorts.
You can cycle right through it without stopping,
but cows are extremely unlikely to cross these
barriers. At the Jagdhausalm are two conventional
gates as well as stone walls and old picturesque
alm buildings. From here the route climbs sharply
to what looks like could be a summit. But not so
fast, this false summit is a good vantage point
onto another old alm (old herding vilage),
but there still is more climbing to be done. Steep
V shaped canyons merge into a green, yet treeless
valley. Finally a few switchbacks climb to the
highest visible point, and then its still another
100ft or so to the unmanned border crossing at the
summit. The entire unpaved part of the route is
extremely smooth. The upper part is crossed by
wooden drainage channels every few hundred feet.
They are easy to ride across and provide such good
drainage, that even after a day of non stop rain
the route can be relatively dry the next day.
From West. (also described upwards) A
steep paved climb precedes the arrival at Rain.
This village lies up on the northern flank of the
valley, so climbing up to it provides a grand
panorama of the mountains surrounding Grosser
Lengstein (3236m) and Dreieckspitze (3031m) to the
south. While turning the switchback at the church,
you can't help but notice the churchyard, that
must be in one of the most beautiful locations for
such a thing in the world, at least on a sunny
day. All the crosses are stylistically similar to
provide a coherent image. The narrow paved road
aims straight ahead for a group of sharp peaks.
Passing a parking lot, the route turns smooth
dirt. Later passing an old alm that looks like a
village from the middle ages, the road eventually
turns south a bit, and then engages in dozens of
switchbacks that work their way up the pass.

Klammjoch x2: St
Jakob iD <> Klammjoch <> 2
miles below Rain-Taufers: 42 miles
with 5900ft of climbing in 5:3 hours
(VDO MC1.0 m4:9.6.24)
Notes: The Osttirol tourist bureaus
also are happy to give away a map
with cycling routes, containing
amongst others the "around the
Riesenferner Group" day ride which
goes over Klammjoch and
Stallersattel and measures 104km and
2200m climbing, when starting in
Sankt Jakob.
The last day with different start and
end points on this Extended Tour
is on page: Kartitscher
Sattel |
Highest Point: 2288m
Eastern Approach: |
from Huben (856m)
from Sankt Jakob iD
Western Approach: |
from Bruneck (834m)
from St Georgen (822m)
from Rain in Taufers