Junior Point / Shady
This road crosses the high,
pretty much unbroken ridge line of the Chelan
Mountains. This range looks almost like a big
plateau. But there are distinct summits here.
The east side is drier and also more fire
ravaged, giving the area an open feeling with
great views. The west side is deep Cascade
forest. Here orientation and views resemble the
situation of a bug crawling around in a thick
shag carpet.
NORTH: jct S Lakeshore Rd - Shady Pass Rd,
just west of Twenty Five Mile Creek State
Park on Lake Chelan
2.(2000ft,mile02.6)profile stays right at
jct with Slide Ridge Rd
3.(6540ft,mile14.5)TOP: turnoff to Junior
Point is on left
4.(5730ft,mile17.1)intermediate low point
5.(6100ft,mile19.0)Shady Pass: turnoff to
Big Hill on right
6.(2470ft,mile27.3)profile turns left onto
Entlat River Rd
7.(1320ft,mile44.9)START-END WEST: jct
Wa19 Entlat River Rd - Wa287 Mud Creek Rd
From East. FR59 puts and end
to the vacation meanders of South Lakeshore Road,
on Lake Chelan. It climbs steeply above the lake,
twisting and turning like a real mountain pass
road. The pavement ends at the juntion with Slide
Ridge Road. Shady Pass Road steeply ramps
itself up the south facing slope. The views of
Lake Chelan keep getting better. In the morning
they are flatly lit from the front, and there is
not much shade. But it did make me look forward to
some possible shade on the pass. But the pass, at
this point, is still very far away.
After a last great view of the lake,
the road traverses and meanders towards the ridge
on its north side. Meanwhile an apocalyptic
looking match stick forest has taken over every
slope, mountain and ridge line in sight. But in my
opinion it still looks more appealing than a clear
cut pattern, which you see so often in
northwestern forests. After reaching an
intermediate high point the road ahead can be seen
stringing along, hopping over to the next peak, i
regluar arcs like a telephone line. To the north a
high ridgeline in the North Cascades becomes
visible for the first time. Lake Chelan makes
another appearance, deep below, behind a curtain
of matchstick forest.
It's reasonable to expect the next
traverse to be the top. After all no higher points
are visible along the ridge, at least not until
you get to it. But it's getting closer. And the
best views are from shortly before the top. The
highest point along the road is signed as Junior
Point. There is a campground here and a rest room
inside a yurt.

From West. (described
downwards) Progress from here on becomes
dramatically faster, even if Shady Pass is not
reached yet. A long traverse, with just enough
drop to make Shady Pass a separate summit connects
Junior Point to the pass. Right about here the
matchstick forest ends and a deep, endlessly green
tree groundcover takes over. There is no view from
Shady Pass, but there is a sign, and the road goes
over slightly higher points before and after the
pass. A spur road from here goes to the north, and
I imagine it has still better views of the North
Cascades, than I had from the traverse between
Junior Point and Shady Pass. The descent on this
side is deeply graveled and it was steep enough to
wear out my disc brake pads, and overheat the
brake fluid. Wish I had regular brake pads. Shady
Pass road merges onto paved Entlat River Road.
From here great time can be made, without worrying
about the destroyed brake pads.
( < FR8410
Slide Ridge s(u) | Salt Creek
Summit > )
Junior Point s(u) , Shady Pass , FR53 Mud
Creek s(u) , Wa972
Winesap - Lake Chelan : lower part of
FR59 Shady Pass Road > up FR59 > Junior
Point s(u) > Shady Pass > down Entiat River
Road > Brief > up FR53 Mud Creek > FR53
Mud Cree s(u) > Wa971 north > Wa971 Winesap
- Lake Chelan s(u) > Lake Chelan State Park
> South Lakeshore Road north > back to
starting point: 75.6miles with 8390ft of climbing
in 7:56hrs (VDO MC1.0 m5:13.9.14).
Notes: another hot September day in Washington.
But the pictures already do have that warm fall