Alkali Creek - Road Gulch
This unofficial divide connects
the New Castle/Silt area with Colbran. The road
climbs across a gap between Grand Mesa and
Battlement Mesa. Except for a short steep stretch
near the top of the eastern approach this is a
shallow, steady climb that still manages to climb
over 2500 and 3500 feet respectively on each side.
My favroite time to ride this divide is during
fall, when Grand Mesa is at its most colorful and
the far views are unobscured by haze. That makes
fall better than the spring. A time other than
hunting season is another advantage. During
hunting season a cycling outfit with a high orange
content provides a extra measure of confidence for
not being mistaken for a piece of wildlife or a
stray cow. The top of this divide is close to the
route over Buzzard
Divide. My edition of Helmuth's book "Passes
of Colorado" describes the eastern approach to
this divide as part of a route across the Buzzard
Divide. But a look at the map will verify that the
Buzzard Divide road clearly joins on the west side
of Alkali Creek - Road Gulch summit(u).
START-END WEST: junction I70, Co65
2.(5200ft,mile11) profile turns left onto
3.(6000ft,mile22) Colbran
4.(7180ft,mile29) road to Colbran
Reservoir is on right. Profile continues
5.(7460ft,mile37) road from Buzzard Divide
joins from right. Continue left fork.
6.(8050ft,mile41) TOP: Alkali Creek, Road
Gulch divide(u). junction with Mud Hill
road on right
7.(6260ft,mile51) profile continues right
at this T
8.(6150ft,mile53) profile contineus left
at this T
9.(5480ft,mile59) START-END EAST:
beginning of Divide Creek Road, south side
of Colorado River between Silt and New
Castle |
From West. The profile begins at exit 49
of I70. The paved road follows the incised
meanders of Plateau Creek, also the very bottom
part of a paved climb to Grand Mesa
summit(u). Instead of continuing to the town
of Mesa, a left turn onto Co330 leads onto a paved
country road that rolls up and down between farms
and the distant escarpments of Grand Mesa and
Battlement Mesa. In past years this narrow road
often had virtually no traffic. But since the
natural gas boom in the area this has changed
The quiet, out of the way town of Colbran has two
recognizable businesses: a medium sized grocery
store and a taxidermist. The route turns from
paved to an "all weather type" dirt road
approximately where the route to Colbran reservoir
diverges. From here it rolls along pleasantly over
various mesa hills to the top.

From East. (also described upwards) There
are many ways to approach point 7 on the profile.
The route chosen is the most direct from New
Castle. It is also the route in the overnight trip
route description below. Leaving New Castle, East
Divide Road is paved and accessible after crossing
to the south side of the Colorado River, and
following the valley westwards. Pavement lasts to
point 8, followed by a very short section of
gravel, until the surface improves again to
"reasonably hard medalled" (Oct/05). The barely
ridable deep gravel road of past years seems to
have become history since the natural gas boom.
When the road leaves behind the rectangular
pattern of valley farmland, and enters scrub oak
ravine country, the surface also changes again.
After an extended dry time, the hard clay mud
stays just as solid as the medalled surface, but
it becomes very bumpy. After a rainy period, even
slight slopes are too slippery to ride. During
clear fall weather, there are a few good valley
views onto the low, but ragged comb of the Grand
Hogback on the far side of the valley.
The top of this divide is well defined, not what
you would expect from a plateau crossing. But this
is really a crossing between two plateaus. The top
is marked by a cow grate, and a change of national
forests from White River to Grand Mesa. The much
rougher Mud Hill Road and Battlement Trail leaves
towards the west, from slightly south of the

A day on a two-day weekend tour:
Alkali Creek Road Gulch s(u): A two
day loop between the Plateau Creek exit of I70 and
New Castle was as follows. Day 1: I70 Plateau
Creek exit > Collbran > Alkali Creek - Road
Gulch s(u) <> a ten mile out and back
on Mud Hill Road >> New Castle: 77miles,
5500ft total climbing (Cateye 100AT:m3:05.11.10).
Notes: That was the first day. The return ride
was on pleasant paved sideroads in the Colorado
Valley and a few miles of I70.

Escalante Expedition:(<Buzzard-Muddy Creek
Pass>). This divide, that today
receives attention only from hunters and oil
companies plotting new ways to fracture
underground rock layers in order to extract gas,
was probably on the route of the Escalante
expedition in 1776. It certainly would have been
the easiest and most logical route between the Buzzard-Muddy Divide
and the Colorado River. Marshall Spraque in his
book "the Great Gates" speculates that this was