
Idaho is
a complex shape surrounded
by almost-rectangles, for
anybody who has ever
looked onto a map. It not
only looks like a leftover
after all the surrounding
states took their share.
In a historical sense it
is that too. But that
leftover area has a
greater north south reach
than any of its neighbors,
and it possesses some of
the greatest scenery, for
which its neighbors are
famous, the north western
canyons of Columbia
tributaries, the arid
fault block mountains of
northern Utah, and also a
few other types of scenery
you don't find anywhere
else, like the plateaus
close to Twin Falls for
example. So - the state
with the Indian sounding
name that was selected
because it sounds
(American) Indian - but
actually is not - has a
lot to offer in bike
climbing scenery. Also -
the elevation table can be
a little misleading. Some
of the highest summits are
actually very small
climbs, and some of the
lower summits in the
northern canyon areas are
quite big.