Alto de Zambra
This road runs along the top of a
ridge - with a million curves into Malaga. It's
hard to believe that a road like this exists so
close to a busy major city. Down in the valley on
each side roads, traffic is channeled along
limited access four lane highways, apparently with
little or no service roads. This ridge route is
represented on the right side of the profile
below. The route from points 1 to 4 can
also be used to ride from Malaga to El Torcal.
From there its's a short ride to Casabermeja, and
that is really where the Alto de Zambra route
START-END EAST: Malaga, south of harbor
02.(09.2km,120m)El Chaparral
03.(21.9km,0300m)profile turns right off
MA3400 onto smaller road
04.(33.4km,0380m)route turns right towards
05.(42.0km,0530m)Casbermeja and start of
climb on narrow curvy road
06.(45.8km,0730m)TOP: point of highest
07.(50.0km,0600m)this point is marked as
Puerto Marin on map - not a road jct
08.(55.0km,450m)point marked as Puerto
Pereda on map - not a road
09.(66.8km,120m)route approaches A9 and a
little later enters outskirts of Malaga
10.(74.6km,020m) START-END WEST: Malaga,
just south of other endpoint
From West. And so the
description begins at point 5.
It follows my recorded gps track trough a few
steep streets in town. But it's possible to make
that a longer, more shallow climb. The idea is to
head for the small transmission towers on the
hill. The road passes a few derlict benches,
climbs the hill in serpentines, and crosses the
ridge to open a far view onto Malaga. During my
ride a strip of sunshine tears through the clouds
to light up the coast in a ghostly lit display.
The rest of the hills are shouded in black and
framed by green. I always imagined Norway to look
like this, not the Spanish coast. A dirt
road turnoff leads to the Torre de Zambra
From East: (described
downwards) Along the curvy traverse on top
of the ridge I encounter about a handful of cars,
a handful of cyclists, and another handful of
chained dogs barking like crazy. On the right side
A46 strides over the bottom of the valley on a yet
another handful of graceful bridge stilts. In the
background the clouds condense into black
behemoths over the cliff known as El Torcal. If
there were such a thing as an electronic gadget
that calculates the total amount of curvature in a
road over distance, this would be the one road I
would love to try it out on. The curves really
never stop.
As the views of Malaga get ever closer, the
tiendas become more frequent, a narrow bridge, a
tunnel or two, and the road seems to dead end at
the junction with a four lane highway. But - there
is even a service road now, still with hardly any
traffic. It lasts for the last few miles of the
approach - finally landing straight as an airplane
on a runway between the shopping streets of
Malalga. In order to descend all the way to the
harbor I have to finally put up with traffic
lights, and a one way street system, that makes me
loose my sense of direction. Which way to the
water ? Only the the gps knows.
