Col d'Arbitro
This little pass is not marked on
any map I have seen. But a sign points to it in
Pont de Castirla. The Michelin 1:150000 map refers
to it as Croce d'Arbitro - and yes there is a
cross on top.
START-END SOUTH: jct N193 - D84, north of
2.(350m,06.0km) Ponte Castirla: profile
turns right from D84 onto D18
3.(650m,12.3km) TOP: Col d'Arbitro
4.(225m,22.8km)START-END NORTH: jct N193 -
D84, south of Ponte Leccia
From South. This is one
of those roads that just seem like the perfect
bike path, but you have to expect a car behind
every corner, because if you don't - that will
just be the corner that has a car behind it. In a
conversation the night before I asked the woman
whose room I rented, if driving on these roads is
not very difficult. She answered: "it really
develops your reflexes". I think the same can be
said for biking. 99.999 percent it is so peaceful
you could smoke a peace pipe. But those .0001
percent really develop your reflexes.
After beginnning the never ending sinusoidal
meanderings upwards through the forest, the
first clearing shows off a small stone arch
bridge, in the background the Aigles de Popolasca, a
comb shaped limestone ridge that crests above
everything like a coin stuck in the ground.
After a while the meanderings end at a T. The
intersection turns out to be the top. Actually 4
roads meet at the pass. One goes higher, but
according to the map dead ends. The other two lead
to points north and south on busy N193. A high snow
covered ridge to the north makes a great background
for telephoto pictures.
From North. The two
separate ways to get N193 are very practical,
since riding on N193 is not a pleasant experience,
and this makes a great alternative. My route lead
north, so I took D18 through Poplasca. The
surprise on this route was the village by this
name, with the old decaying church steeple
apparently competing with the aguiles above in
pointing the way up.
A Day on a Tour with this point as
Intermediate Summit is on page: Col de Bigorno
