FR250 Rock Creek s(u)
The Gore Range has two different
faces. One face is that of Mount Powell and
Eagle's Nest Peak, two great peaks most people
think of when they hear the name "Gore Range". But
a much larger area of the Gore Range looks more
like the Adirondacks of New York for example,
assuming that the pine beetle has devastated that
area to the same extend. Much of the northern part
of the range are tree covered rounded hills,
especially the area around Gore Pass. That being
said, this is actually the only road in that area,
that still allows for a few far views from the
summit, to remind you of the fact that this is
START-END EAST: Radium: bridge over
Colorado River
02.(mile03.8,7630ft)jct with dead end road
to railroad tracks in valley
03.(11.2mile,9113ft)FR212 Radium -
04.(13.4mile,9030ft)profile turns left on
Co134, coming down from Gore Pass
05.(mile15.4,8770ft)profile turns right
onto FR250 along Rock Creek
06.(mile24.4,10110ft)TOP: FR250 Rock Creek
07.(mile26.6,9610ft)profile stays right on
08.(mile33.0,7870ft)profile turns left
down CO134 from Gore Pass
09.(mile37.1,7550ft)START-END WEST: jct
Co134 - US40, north of Kremmling
From West. In the
profile I decided to make this climb as big as
possible and start at the Colorado River in Gore
Canyon on another dirt road.. This lower part of
the route is described on the FR212
Radium - Toponas Rd(sh) page. After that the
profile turns down the western approach of the
Gore Pass Road for a short distance before
reaching the start of FR250.
FR250 diverts from the Gore
Pass Road in a large flat meadow section, a
few hundred feet below its summit. The turnoff is
signed. The road climbs through a small shallow
valley, surrounded by pine beetle territory.
Approaching the top, there are views reaching to
Mount Powell to the north and the Flattops to the
From East. After a
pleasant roll through the forest, descending a few
hundred feet, the road meets FR100. Turning left
here allows staying at this high, still relatively
cool altitude all the way to Rabbit Ears Pass.
But the profile takes the direct way down, turning
right. This road is a little more gravelly than
the other side. 500ft above the jct with the Gore
Pass Rd, the trees give way and reveal a drier
badrock landscape with interspersed houses

Dayride with this point as highest summit
( < FR212
Radium - Tonopas(sh) | Co134
Tonopas s(u) > )
FR250 Rock Creek s(u) , Gore Pass ,
additional out and back : FR250 > up
FR250 > FR250 Rock Creek s(u) <> out and
back ~14miles both ways on FR100 north >>
FR100 south > Co134 west > Gore Pass >
back to starting point on FR250: 48.3miles with
4280ft of climbing in 4:23hrs (Garmin etrex 30