FR129 Geyser Pass s(u)
The La Sal Mountains serve
as orientation landmark for an entire region.
Geyser Pass is the most prominent pass in these
mountains, a gap in the middle of cone like peaks,
rounded on top, but falling off steeply. The pass
can be easily seen from an enormous distance,
ranging from points east in Colorado's Uncompaghre
Plateau, to points west in the "island in the sky
plateau" west of Moab. . The La Sal Mountains
gleam in the distance, hinting at another world
that is much higher and cooler than the plateaus
it is visible from. The reverse is not true. The
pass is tree covered and farther views are located
lower on the approaches. When climbing the pass on
a bicycle, another aspect of the topography
becomes obvious. These peaks sit on a big plateau.
The first big impression as well as the first big
effort is involved in climbing these sedimentary
dessert steps to the table on which the peaks sit.
Geyser Pass has three principal
approaches, that meet at the summit. The ones from
the east ( from Paradox ) and west ( from Moab )
make good approach routes for cycling. The
approach from the south ( Ut46 or La Sal )
contains sections near the top, that are a wide
dirt road with bad sandy washboard. It goes over
an altitude that is slightly higher than Geyser
Pass itself. It is more easily traversed in a
downward direction. But in order to come up with a
loop ride that can be cycled in a day the southern
approach becomes attractive.
Eastern - Southern ( Paradox
- Ut46) Approaches

click on profile for more
detail |
02.(7260ft,mile07) junction with dirt
road on left. Profile continues straight
03.(7630ft,mile11) Buckeye Reservoir
04.(8350ft,mle15) junction with dirt
road on left. Profile continues straight
05.(8360ft,mile15) dirt road on left
goes to Canopy Gap. Profile continues
06.(8580ft,mile17) stay right at fork
07.(8950ft,mile19) go left up much less
traveled route. This turn off is easy to
08.(10538ft,mile25) Geyser Pass. Profile
continues south towards La Sal. Straight
goes to Moab.
09.(10470ft,mile25) stay straight
10.(10700ft,mile28) TOP: point of
highest altitude
11.(8110ft,mile36) dirt road on left
goes to Canopy Gap. Profile continues
12.(7800ft,mile39) dirt road on right
goes to La Sal Pass. Profile takes left
13.(7740ft,mile39) profile takes short
cut on left to Ut46
14.(7560ft,mile41) route joins Ut46, and
continues left.
15.(5710ft,mile53) Ut46 leaves La Sal
Creek and climbs over hogback towards
Paradox Valley.
16.(6220ft,mile55) top of hogback
17.(5350ft,mile59) profile goes left to
18.(5300ft,mile60) START-END EAST-SOUTH:
Paradox (same as point 1) |
From East. The climb begins in the
prototypical Colorado Plateau Valley: cliffs,
straight as an arrow and as far as the eye can
see, and barely a creek that could have carved all
this in sight. The paved climb up FR371 on the
west side of town must be one of the nicest paved
climbs in the state of Colorado, if it wasn't for
one thing: the surface turns to dirt just after
reaching the edge of the plateau. The route winds
through a dense forest, curving northwards to
Buckeye Reservoir. Continuing towards Geyser Pass
the route becomes noticeably less traveled.
Glimpses of the range ahead through the dense
forest are rare until the road enters Pine Flats.
No trespassing signs at the entrance of this
hunting reserve try to give the impression that
this is not a public road, which it is. The route
towards the pass continues along the first left
fork after entering the reserve. The next large
junction offers a quick way back to the starting
point over Canopy Gap. Go straight for Geyser
Pass. After passing a hunting camp and turning
northwards again, comes the most tricky part of
the route. A much less traveled rocky track heads
steeply off the main dirt road, heading towards
the peaks. This is not the road marked as Geyser
Creek Road on National Forest maps, but a track to
the south. Geyser Creek Road is a prominent forest
road that turns towards the peaks a few miles
later, ending at a locked gate to the hunting
reserve. The steep rock track to the pass becomes
much less steep and rocky, soon after the turnoff.
It traverses extensive open aspen groves with much
up and down. A tiny hut in the San Juan hut system
is passed in conjunction with a lake, shortly
before reaching the pass. The pass is at the
junction of the three outlined approaches. As of
Sept/05 there is no summit sign. It looked like it
may have just been removed, maybe to be replaced.
But the designation "Geyser Pass" is used in signs
along all the upper approaches. On this approach
however, there are no signs until past the San
Juan hut (Sept/05).
All three pictures on this page are taken on this
approach. The second shows the Paradox Valley
during the first climb. No3 taken in the vicinity
before Buckeye Reservoir. No2 shows the last
effort stretch before reaching the hut near the

From West. The route from the west begins
at the southern end of Spanish Valley, Moab area.
The well used dirt road climbs Bromley Ridge.

From South. Of the three approaches, this
road has been modified the most to make it
suitable for automobiles, which means a broad
dusty washboard in places (Sept/05). It's
described in a downward direction. The broad road
traverses around Mount Mellenthin and Mount Peale,
often at a point where the almost football shaped
peaks rise the most steeply. The road has every
kind of grade imaginable, steep downhills, then
nearly level, a short uphill. Several junctions
along the way have signs pointing to secondary
destinations, along roads which are just as
heavily used as the route back into the valley.
Especially signs, stating that I was on the route
to "Dark Canyon" made me wonder if I had missed a
turnoff somewhere. Having a map ready here is more
that just a thing that is nice to have. It turns
out I was on the right route. The long extended
roll down the pass finally happens on the more
gentle aspen covered southern portion of the
plateau. As of 2011 the route is a fast dirt road
and not the wide washboard surface that I
experienced during earlier years. In any coase
hardtop is near. One more left turn through a
ragged settlement of mobile homes and Ut46 is
ready to carry the cyclist back to the start in
smooth paved comfort.
The profile includes the rest of Ut46 back to
Paradox. At the end waits a surprise, a 500 ft
climb over Nyswinger Mesa back to Paradox.

A loop ride starting in Paradox, going up the
eastern approach and returning over the southern
approach measured 71 miles with 8000 feet of
climbing in 7:25 hours (m3:05.09.22). This
included over 10 miles of getting lost and
exploring the area around point 7.
Another loop beginning at the "La Sal Loop Road"
turnoff on the western side, going over Geyser
Pass and then returning over La Sal Pass measured
66 miles (m1:91.09.01)
Extended Tours
The San Juan Hut system is often used in an
extended tour over the pass. Usually two days are
used to traverse the summit over the eastern and
western approaches. The first day connects the
huts in Paradox and the one before the summit. The
second day goes over the summit down to Moab.