Wilson Mesa : Hughes Road(sh)
A ride over Wilson Mesa is sort
of a mixture between a road ride through wild
mountain scenery and an unguided tour through
Beverly Hills. Yes, most of this route is on a
dirt road. But this is not your ordinary type of
dirt road. This is not a dirt road with various
degrees of washboard surface while being passed by
a speeding truck or ATV in a cloud of dust. During
my traversal of this route traffic consisted
almost exclusively of various trucks that are
needed in construction or home improvement tasks,
including the occasional concrete mixer. The
country may be in a housing crisis in 2011, but
the "upper ten thousand" go happily building on.
Actually - rather than calling it a dirt road, it
is really more of a hard medalled surface. This
road is not paved only because it is fashionable
to be not paved. If you happen to be a millionaire
and have a multimillion dollar estate at the end
of a private road in the mountains of Colorado, it
really should be a dirt road, to have the
appropriate air of sophisticated isolation about
it. Many homes of this type are discreetly hidden
in the forested hills around Telluride. However,
it you also want a million dollar panoramic view
to go along with the million dollar house, you
must expose yourself. Of course I mean your house,
or more appropriately - mansion. The views from
Wilson Mesa couldn't be more magnificent without
leaving the planet. I'm sure that's what the
developer told his clients too. Two fourteeners,
named after the topographer of the Hayden Survey,
on the south side (that would be Mount Wilson and
Wilson Peak). Actually three fourteeners in total,
outline the western skyline, rocks and ice in
crisp sunshine, foregrounded by a blaze of yellow
aspen during fall. On the other side of the mesa
part of the amphitheater of mountains surrounding
Telluride make up the horizon.

00.0km~00.0mile) START-END WEST: jct Co145
- Silver Pick Rd. Profile goes up Silver
Pick Rd.
2.(2691m,~8829ft, 05.2km~03.2mile) Profile
turns right up Hughes Rd.
3.(2824m~9265ft, 7.8km~4.8mile) TOP near
jct with E Anderson Rd on right
4.(2737m~8980ft, 09.5km~5.9mile) turn
right onto Wilson Mesa Ranch Rd.
5.(2505m~8219ft, 12.7km~7.9mile) turn
right down Fall Creek Rd.
6.(2295m~7530ft, 18.8km~11.7mile)
START-END EAST: jct Co145 - Fall Creek Rd
From West. The western most approach to
Wilson Mesa goes up Fall Creek Road, also labeled
57P Road on maps. The first four miles are a rough
hard pavement, the next miles are good dirt road.
The medalled surface starts on top of the mesa.
The next left turn, from 57P Road to Elk Creek
Road, direction Wilson Mesa is also signed. Within
two miles this road offers two turnoffs onto
Wilson Mesa Ranch Road. If you don't take either
one, the road ends at yet another gate to a locked
estate. Naturally the two ends of the Wilson Mesa
road connect. The profile takes the more direct
route, which is the first or lower turnoff. (As a
separate note: A loop ride over the entire Wilson
Mesa Rd, descending back down Fall Creek can also
be seen as a summit. The descent before rejoining
the original approach is greater than 500 feet).
But in order to make this into a more satisfying
loop ride, you have to turn off the Wilson Mesa
Ranch Road. This turnoff is labeled Hughes Road.
It traverses the highest point at its junction
with WE Anderson Road. Turning left here gets you
a few feet higher, so the Hughes Road summit point
is a shoulder summit to what becomes the Whiteley
Road s(u).

From East. (also described upwards).
Riding the mesa from this side eliminates the
difficulty of having to pick your way through the
development to find your way down the other side.
It all falls into place more easily going
downhill. From the beginning - the turnoff from
Co149 is just as inconspicuous, and also just as
clearly signed as the western approach. The sign
reads Silver Pick Basin Road. It is also the
approach road to climbing the Mountains Wilson
(Peak). This road becomes hard medalled almost
immediately after the turnoff. The right onto
Wilson Mesa is also signed. After a short distance
you pass the first attraction on the Rodeo Drive
tour, a parking lot for various horse trailers,
with the accompanying residence. The ranch gate
reads "El Prado". The road loops around to the
right, climbing very steeply in places, and then
reaches the summit to meet the signed intersection
of Hughes Road with WE Anderson Road (whoever his
Dayride with this point as highest summit:
Wilson Mesa: Hughes Rd(sh) , Wilson Mesa Whiteley
Rd s(u) : 5 miles up Fall Creek Rd > up Elk
Creek Road > upper western access road to Wilson
Mesa > up WE Anderson Drive > Whitely Drive Rd
s(u) > down lower western access road to Wilson
Mesa > down Fall River Road > east on Co149
> up Silver Pick Basin Road <> out and back
several miles on this road > up eastern approach
to Wilson Mesa > Wilson Mesa: Hughes Road (sh)
> down lower western access road to Wilson Mesa
> back to starting point: 35.1miles with 4020ft
of climbing in 3:42hours (VDO MC1.0, m3:11.9.22).