FR102C Cooper Loop s(u)
This is another one of those
points, where I wonder if anybody ever
bothered to drag a bicycle to. It is a pretty
nice view from up here, but it involves a lot
of walking. To make a loop a section without
trails is involved.
START-END NORTH: low point on Homestake
Rd, crossing Homestake Creek
2.(mile10.2,10390ft)profile turns east
on top of Tennesee Pass
4.(mile15.4,10850ft)route rejoins road
along Tennesee Creek
5.(mile20.7,9950ft)START-END SOUTH: jct
Tennesee Creek Rd - US24 south of
From North. The
profile starts where Homestake Rd crosses the
creek of the same name. But you could start
lower on US24. From Tennesee Pass a
short paved road goes to the "Ski Cooper" ski
area. On the right an unpaved path appears to go
to a maintenance shed. It turns out to also be
FR101, and it climbs at a good workout grade
through the forest towards the north. After
passing yurts and other ski area signs, the good
and narrow dirt road finally crosses North
Tennesee Creek, near the highest point of the
North Tennesee Creek Rd summit. But here the
profile stays left and follows a sign for FR102C
Cooper Loop. A steep path climbs to a summit,
that even though is very difficult to get to and
requires much walking, still provides
practically no views. Low forested hills cut off
the Sawatch range viewshed. The highest point is
marked with cairn, and a sign forbids vehicle
travel beyond here.
From South. (described
downwards) But Lord behold, the GPS shows a road
not far down towards the west. A few hundred
feet down from the summit, the route skirts a
boulder field -the one place along the entire
upper route with great views. After that, it's a
walk without views through a moderate amount of
undergrowth. The recorded gps track joins the
North Tennessee Creek Rd at just about the same
point where the FR102C Cooper Loop began. Here
the profile heads south on the North Tennessee
Creek Rd until it meets Co24. At the junction
with the paved road one sign calls this road
"North Tennesee Pass" (the only reference
I have ever seen to such a thing), while the
sign facing the opposite direction sticks with
the "North Tennesee Creek Rd".
( <
FR727 - FR759 Missouri Gulch s(u) | FR700
Red Sandstone Rd s(u) > )
( FR102 Cooper Loop s(u) , Tennesee Pass :
1.2miles from start of Homestake Rd > Homestake
Rd east > Co24 south > Tennesee Pass(shp)
> up FR101 > up FR102C > Fr102C Cooper
Loop s(u) > down through forest to Tennesee
Creek Rd > Tennesee Creek Rd south > Co24
north > Tennesee Pass > back to starting
point on Homestake Rd: 38.4miles with 3700ft of
climbing in 4:44hrs (Garmin etrex30: m5:15.6.20)