Copper Gulch Divide
This is a fairly obscure, but
regularly traveled low crossing on the De Weese
Plateau, east of the Wet Mountain Valley. It is
listed in the book "Passes of Colorado". For those
who are not put off by the occasional dusty
stretch of dirt road, this is a great viewing
platform onto the Sangre de Cristo Range,
especially during "interesting cloud days". The
portion over the top is paved. But to make a loop
you have to negotiate a variety of surfaces.
START-END NORTH1: jctUS50 - Co69 on
Arkansas River
2.(mile05.0,6880ft)profile turns left on
Gulch Rd
3.(mile11.7,7600ft)jct with Copper Gulch
Rd, profile turns right
4.(mile13.6,7927ft)TOP: Copper Gulch
5.(mile24.9,7860ft)profile turns north on
Co69, north of Westcliffe
6.(mile38.8,6880ft)START-END NORTH2: Co69:
jct with Gulch Rd, same as point 2 |
From North. Two
approaches originating in the Arkansas River
Canyon meet near the top. The more westerly one is
described and profiled.
The profile starts where Co69 leaves the Arkansas
in Texas Creek. About 2 miles before reaching the
junction with CR1-A, a signed turnoff goes east up
Road Gulch or Gulch Road, depending on which sign
you believe. Looking back there are barely if any
interesting views of the Sangre de Cristo
Mountains. The road is just too much in the gulch,
so to speak. Instead some of the adjoining housing
are more interesting to look at: trailers and
campers connected by wood shacks to enlarge the
total livable space, not far from more
conventional retirement housing.
Soon the road reaches a more typical isolated
settlement, with the suburban sounding name
"Blazing Saddles" Lane. The ruler straight road
directs the view to a group of houses,
picturesquely located on the sweeping view to a
large part of the Sangre de Cristo Range.
There are only low rounded hills nearby. But the
top is near. A T junction meets the other
approach, coming up from Sunset City. Now a
smoothly paved road with barely any traffic climbs
past an amazingly gaudy Deer Mountain Community
Center, complete with giant carved parodies of
colorfully painted cowboys and a host of other
advertising gizmos, up to the summit. No sign
here, but the view of the "Sangres" (pardon the
bastardized Spanish, but this is what people call
them here) will leave no doubt about its location.
From South. (described
downwards) The viewing platform of this rolling
descend is by far the most interesting part of the
ride, during days when spectacular cloud displays
complement the linear beauty of the mountain
range. When it's hazy, the views may be
disappointing. On the map the road heads straight
as an arrow for Westclliff. But in reality it is
not so straight in an up and down sense - more
like a series of waves. The most direct way back
down to Co69 is via Reed Gulch CR29 and CR203. But
that option actually goes over a slightly higher
point. The turnoff to this option is the low point
between points 4 and 5 at 7605ft.
Instead the profile stays on the viewing platform
with its variety of dust-, meddled road-, and
"currently being improved" surfaces. When you see
the first political billboards on ranch land,
Westcliff is near. And apparently this is also the
first rancher with political connections, because
now the surface is paved. The point in the valley
on nearby Co69 south of Westcliffe is only about
20ft lower than the Copper Gulch Divide. It seems
lower because the Wet Mountain Valley also rises
towards the south and Westcliffe. In order to get
more elevation gain on this side, the profile
turns back north and descends the valley.
Rides with this point as highest summit:
Copper Gulch Divide , CR255 Oak Grade Rd
(s(u)-sh?) , CR3 Temple Canyon Rd s(u)? :
just west of Sunset City > CR26 south >
Copper Gulch Divide > CR215 Copper Gulch Rd
south > Co69 south > Westcliffe > Co96
east > Silvercliffe > CR255 Oak Grade Rd
north > CR255 Oak Grade Rd s(u)? > Canyon
City possibly with detour > CR3 Temple Canyon
rd east > CR3 Temple Canyon Rd s(u)? > CR29
Copper Gulch Rd west back to starting point:
A Ride with this point as intermediate summit
is on pages: CR170 the
Pines Ranch(sh)
Gulch Divide
Highest Point: 7927ft
North-1 Approach:
climb |
over distance
drop |
jctUS50 - Co69 on
Arkansas River, via Copper Gulch Rd
1737ft |
~400ft |
Co69: jct with Gulch
Rd (6880ft)
1057 |
~500ft |