BLM 7058 Corcoran Peak
 De Beque
is not exactly like Fruita or Moab, when you walk
down Main Street. Here the lunch option consists
of sitting on a bench in front of the single small
grocery store munching on a hopefully, no longer
frozen burrito. There are no trendy restaurants,
just idling pickup trucks across the street at the
post office. Their cars keep on idling away
gasoline, while the drivers are inside, catching
up on the local news. But for this ride de Beque
is too early as lunch stop. So let's assume we had
breakfast instead and are ready to go, and now
turn our attention to the scenery surrounding this
town. And now there are similarities between De
Beque and the formerly mentioned mountain biking
destination towns.
To cut to the end, the ride around Corcoran Peak
is my favorite Colorado Book Cliffs loop. It
contains a short ridge section with far views onto
multi colored cliffs and candle like rock
formations. A quickly traversable double track
trail follows close to the crest of South Shale
Ridge and completes the panoramic experience.
Bridge, south of de Beque
02.(4930ft,mile01) turn right to Deer Park
03.(5750ft,mile12) stay right
04.(6710ft,mile23) first turn off to
Bronco Flats on left, stay right
05.(7100ft,mile25) two turnoffs on left
dead end, also the top on the Wild Horse
06.(6900ft,mile27) take turnoff to
Corcoran Peak trail on double track trail
on right
07.(7470ft,mile28) TOP: high point below
Corcoran Peak
08.(7120ft,mile29) left leads back into
valley; stay right
09.(7320ft,mile30) trail joins a larger
dirt road coming from down valley
10.(5650ft,mile44) BLM7058 joins South Dry
Creek road
11.(5640ft,mile44) South Dry Fork joins
Dry Fork. Continue straight.
12.(5100ft,mile50) Dry Fork joins Roan
Creek. Turn right.
13.(4910ft,mile54) START-END SOUTH-EAST:
same as 1 |
From South-West. The profile shows the
approach from de Beque to the top of Wild Horse
Trail summit(u). See that page for a
description to point 6. From there a steep double
track trail turns right up towards Corcoran Peak.
After the view shed changes towards South Dry
Creek, various forks allow a quick descent north.
But this profile stays on the ridge as much as
possible. After a short section allowing views
into the Colorado Valley, the through going route
stays on the north side of the ridge with various
spurs climbing to points on the ridge itself. The
surface soon improves as the road picks up another
more maintained route climbing up from the

From North. (described downwards): When
the distinctive shape of Mount Logan comes back
into view, you at least know you are heading in
the right direction, on the average, even if
repeated curves carve deep into the large bowls of
South Shale Ridge. The repeated ups and downs
along the ridge seem more tiring than the approach
climb. But the net elevation change averages to 0.
The route finally descends when it crosses a burn
area where trees stick out like a black match
stick forest. The route descends to the valley and
picks up South Shale Road, which is also the
principal approach for the Wild Horse
Trail summit(u). When you think you're past
all the small rolling hills, still more of them
turn up while crossing dry washes.
When traversing this approach in the uphill
direction, the turnoff from the valley onto
BLM7058 is easy to miss. Even from a slow moving
bicycle it looks just like any of the many dead
ends going to gas wells. Going uphill on Dry Creek
Road, take the South Dry Creek Fork option. The
road makes two 90 degree turns to get around a
guest ranch with two old carriages on display.
Immediately afterwards, take the track descending
to cross Dry Creek. If you look closely there may
also be a downed sign stating Horse Trail mile 35,
and BLM7058.

Dayride with this point as highest summit:
BLM7958 Corcoran Peak s(u) : de Beque I70
exit > Wild Horse Trail summit(shp) > up
South-West approach to BLM7058 Corcoran Peak s(u)
> BLM7058 Corcoran Peak s(u) > down North
approach > Dry Creek Road > back to
the starting point: 57 miles with 6400ft of
climbing in 6:2 hours, using a VDO MC1.0 cycle
