FR543 South Spruce Creek
I thought that this forestry
road, running through the trees, would turn out to
be the highest point on a ride around Bridger Peak
in the Sierra Madre. But - surprisingly - the
paved Battle
Lake Pass actually turned out to be higher.
Still this is not an easier way to cross the
Sierra Madre.
WEST: low point on US70, where it crosses
Savery Creek, between Savery and Slater
02.(mile15.5,8080ft)Stock Drive Road
crosses US70
03.(mile19.4,8430ft)turnoff to overlook
point on south side of road
04.(mile21.0,8300ft)profile turns left
onto Sage Creek Rd
05.(mile27.0,7530ft)Sage Creek Rd reaches
low point, while crossing Big Sandstone
06.(mile27.9,7940ft)profile turns off to
the right onto FR830
07.(mile35.8,9180ft)FR830 Deep Jack Rd
Trailhead s(u)
08.(mile39.6,8490ft)intermediate low point
on FR830
09.(mile46.5,8920ft)profile turns right on
FR443 South Spring Creek Rd
10.(mile51.3,9520ft)TOP: FR543 South
Spring Creek Rd s(u)
11.(mile63.5,8300ft)intermediate low point
12.(mile65.9,8890ft)FR543 South Spring
Creek Rd s(u)-2
13.(mile66.2,8780ft)profile turns left
onto US70, coming from Battle Pass
14.(mile73.2,7290ft)START-END EAST:
From West. The direct
approach to this point leads up from Saratoga.
However I approached this point from the west side
of the Sierra Madre Range via FR830. Consequently
the profile first follows up the west side of Battle Pass,
then turns onto the south side of FR401 Sage Creek
Rd, and finally turns right onto FR830.
After crossing the FR830
Deep Jack Trailhead s(u) point, the direct
approach from Saratoga meets with the profiled
road. They meet at a curiously signed
intersection, stating Saratoga 20 miles and
Encampment 29. Looking at a map this seems
counterintuitive, because Encampment is much
closer as the crow files. This option follows the
Encampment 29 directions and all its curves. - All
very confusing, best to just look at the
interactive map on the profile page.
The profile route becomes quite a bit rockier
after the intersection. Still progress is
reasonably fast. After being figuratively buried
in pine beetle trees for the longest time,
approaching the summit there are a few good views.
The first temptation to think that the summit is
reached comes at a sign to the "Chipewa Blowdown",
a rare tornado in this area that leveled 350 acres
of trees in 1967. It took two years for the trees
to be harvested.- The actual highest point on the
road comes a little later on this endless traverse
around the trees.
In the center is the
historic Rattlesnake Pass in the Laramie Mtns,
as seen from near summit of FR543
From East. (described
downwards). The public map on my gps shows a whole
host of roads, at least one of which is a straight
connection down to Wy230 between Encampment and
Saratoga. But reality is different. The road
reaches a low point at the mouth of a ravine -
looking at this on the map it is a large obvious V
shape. Past that point, the road climbs again to
meet Wy70 on its course to the top of Battle Creek
Pass. No other options to descend east exist
before that.
A Ride with this point as intermediate summit
is on page: Battle Lake
Historical Notes
Fremont Expedition: (<Daniel's
Summit(ut) | Muddy Pass(co)>):
During his return from California during his
second expedition, Fremont crossed the Sierra
Madre by going up Battle Creek, and then using one
of the many Indian trails to the north of Bridger
Peak. Marshall Sprague describes this in his book
"The Great Gates". On the other side their trail
led them to Jack Creek. That is the approximate
crossing of this forest road or less possibly two
others further south, which also funnel into Jack