![]() 01.(5650ft,mile00) START-END EAST-NORTH: Golden: west end of Coors brewery 02.(5870ft,mile02) START-END EAST-NORTH ALTERNATE: start of Lookout Mountain Road, off US6 03.(6880ft,mile05) Windy Saddle 04.(7360ft,mile07) eastern turnoff to Lookout Mtn Nature Center summit(u) on right 05.(7500ft,mile08) TOP: point of highest altitude 06.(7480ft,mile08) western turnoff to Lookout Mtn Nature Center summit(u) on right 07.(7490ft,mile08) Paradise Road turns off on left 08.(7470ft,mile09) Charros Drive turns off on left 09.(7460ft,mile10) road to Mount Vernon Country Club turns off on right 10.(7410ft,mile10) turn left down Mount Vernon Canyon 11.(6400ft,mile14) START END EAST-SOUTH 1 ALTERNATE: turn left down US40, which becomes Colfax Ave 12.(5360ft,mile23) START END EAST-SOUTH 1: jct: Clear Creek bike path - Kipling Ave