Aniversary Mine s(u)
This is a small climb to an old mine
in the Lake Mead area. It may look bigger than it
actually is, from the bottom, because of the
rugged dessert mountain cliffs surrounding it.
There are no trees to provide any sense of scale,
and so it is easy to think that these magnificent
landforms are just a bit bigger than they really
START-END EAST: Northshore Rd crosses
Callville Wash
2.(02.7m,2160ft) TOP
3.(05.7m,1730ft) West End Wash joins
Northshore Rd
4.(14.3m,1290ft) START-END WEST:
Northshore Rd crosses Gypsum Wash
From East. Going up
Calville Wash from the Lake Mead North Shore Road
on a normal mountain bike is a chore to
impossible. The gravel is just course enough that
you think you might not sink in with a 2.1 inch
tire, but then you still do. I think fat tires
would have a much easier time.
But this route switches onto a fairly good dirt
road west of the wash after about 100 yards or so.
It even becomes something resembling an old
deteriorating pavement after a while. Now it
becomes clear, that this is an old mining road.
Before reaching the summit the path crosses
another dessert wash emerging from a slot canyon.
Crossing it requires a slight climb down an
embankment, and back up on the other side. The
summit itself is a mining parking lot, marked with
old tires and other garbage. From the bottom it
looks like this summit would be a great starting
point to hike one of the surrounding ridges. But
when you get here, the difficulties presented by
the cliffs, in doing this, become more apparent.

From West. The way
back down on this side follows the bottom of a
valley. In the lower part the road follows a wide
wash. Staying on the vehicle tracks this is nearly
impossible to ride without fat tires. However
staying on the side of the wash provides for a
fairly quick way down, even for a normal mountain
bike. The streambed meets the North Shore Rd not
far from where the other approach left off.

Dayride with this point as intermediate summit:
( < Lake
Mead North Shore Rd s(u) | Lake Mead Blvd
s(u) > )
Aniversary Mine s(u) , additional out and
back: jct Calville Wash - Lake Mead North Shore Rd
> up Anversary Mine Rd > Aniversary Mine s(u)
> down Borax Wash > Lake Mead North Shore Rd
west > Nv147 west with turnaround point just
before summit << Nv147 east <> out and
back on North Shore Rd west with turnaround point
after about 1.5miles <> out and back to
Government Point >> Lake Mead North Shore Rd
east back to starting point: 50.9miles with 3080ft
of climbing in 5:12hrs (garmin etrex30 m3:19.10.31)
Notes: fixed the same flat twice