Pike Mountain s(u)
The road up Rock Creek is probably
the nicest road ride in the mountains around Twin
Falls. But it is an out and back ride. But - using
the plethora of unpaved roads and trails in this
area, opens up virtually unlimited loop ride
Every intersection along this route
is meticulously signed with a road number, which
can be found on the Sawtooth National Forest map,
the free version. Without these signs and the map,
getting lost would seem like a certainty.
I imagine the scenic interest of
this peak ride depends completely on the weather.
I was lucky on this one. I happened to be here,
just the day after the first light snow of the
year, which transformed the landscape into a new
variation of itself.
SOUTH-1: jct Rock Creek Rd - Fifth Fork
Rock Creek
2.(12.9m,6570ft)jct Rock Creek Rd - FR523
3.(14.9m,7020ft)profile turns from Rock
Creek Road onto FR507
4.(16.2m,7580ft)TOP:profile continues on
trail to right
5.(19.4m,4400ft)START-END SOUTH-2: same as
point 1
From South -1 : A couple
of miles after passing the laid back Magic Mtn ski
area, the pavement ends, and a maze of unpaved
trails and roads start. This particular option
goes up FR507, also labeled as the Pike Mountain
view point.
A short steep climb leads through a short forest
stretch to a gentle grassy cone shape. About 120ft
below the summit of the peak a trail takes off
towards the right. This is the highest point on
the profile. But the top of Pike Mtn has better
views and most of the included pictures were taken
From South. (described downwards) The ATV
trail has barely any rocks and is a fast MTB ride.
A short forest stretch leads to a dip at the jct
with TR241. From here a short climb back up the
grassy waves in the landscape is the only rocky
stretch on the trail,and it is more easily walked.
TR245, then FR523 quickly lead back down to the
Rock Creek Rd on smooth hard dirt, without rocks
but plently of turns. This turnoff on Rock Creek
Rd is not signed.

Sidetrip to the top of Slide Mtn: As
already mentioned, the top of Slide Mtn is only
110ft higher, and there is no excuse to skip it,
unless weather conditions or smoke obscure the
scenery. The top has a small walkway with picnic
benches along the 360 degree panoramic view. While
I was up there, the crowds were on the adjacent
grass - a herd of sheep. As far as people are
concerned I was alone. All of the pictures were
taken on the sidetrip
SOUTH: jct Rock Creek Rd - Fifth Fork Rock
2.(12.9m,6570ft)jct Rock Creek Rd - FR523
3.(14.9m,7020ft)profile turns from Rock
Creek Road onto FR507
4.(16.2m,7580ft)profile continues on road
to left
5.(16.7m,7697ft)END NORTH: Pike Mtn -ow
cLiCk on image , arrows
, or thumbnails to advance slideshow
with this point as highest summit:
( <
FR500 Oakley - Rogerson Rd(sh) | FR538
Oakley - Rogerson SRd s(u) > )
Pike Mtn s(u) , additional out and back : Rock
Creek Canyon Rd, just north of NF boundary > Rock
Creek Canyon Rd south > end of pavement <>
out and back on Oakley - Rogerson Rd with
turnaround point a short distance past the jct with
FR671 near Monument Peak >> up FR507 <>
out and back to top of Pike Mtn >> TR245 north
> FR523 west > back down Rock Creek Rd to
starting point: 40.1miles with 4690ft of climbing in
4:57hrs (garmin etrex30 m5:17.9.22).
Notes: from heat to smoke to snow this year. This
was not the planned route. But continuing on
Oakley - Rogerson Rd there was too much snow.