Gilmore Summit
For all practical intend and
purposes this road is flat. There is nothing
approaching a large radius curve, that might cause
a motorized vehicle to slow below the 65mph speed
limit. And still, this is a summit, shown on Idaho
state maps, signed at the top, complete with
elevation and name. It also manages to gain over
3000 on its north side and close to 2000 feet on
the south side. It just takes a whole lot of miles
to do it. Still, the character of ride over
Gilmore Summit is that of a ride along the
mountains. A friend characterized a perhaps
similar ride (the old DBTC century along the Front
Range north of Denver) like this: "The scene just
doesn't change. Every once in a while you're
tempted to drop something off the bike, like a
water bottle, just to make sure you're still
But it doesn't have to be like that. Maybe the
night before an early fall storm dropped a dusting
of snow on the peaks, while drenching the valleys
in rain. The clouds still hang heavy over the
Lemhi Range during the start of the ride. As the
sun slowly pulls off the covers later during the
day, it presents an ever changing spectacle of
clouds, reflecting light, changing shadows, a ray
of sun turning selected parts of the mountains
into a moving display. The light changes
constantly. At times it silouets the massive
shapes into a paper cut out - just for half a
minute until the next act starts with the next ray
of light, that is beginning to pierce the cloud
cover. This used to be hard to capture on film.
But with digital photography zooming in on distant
details has become much easier. In scenery like
this these pictures capture representations, that
are often so small and distant, you have to look
hard to actually be aware of them. Dropping the
water bottle won't help with that.
Another thing that makes this summit outstanding
becomes clear when you travel the 100 miles from
the north through the Bitterroot Range over Lost
Trail Pass or Chief Joseph Pass or Gibbons Pass to
here. All those passes are at slightly lower
altitude than Gilmore Summit. But they never reach
above timber and you can't distinguish the scenery
from all the trees. It is one unending forest up
there, while down here but roughly at the same
altitude it's one great desertscape and the
presence of trees causes placenames to reflect
this unusual fact.

Salmon River Crossing in Salmon
02.(033.1km~020.6mi, 1475m~4839ft) Tendoy
and jct with Lewis and Clarke Road to
Lemhi Pass
03.(074.1km~046.0mi, 1819m~5968ft)
START-END NORTH: Leadore and jct with road
to Bannock Pass
04.(098.9km~061.5mi, 2079m~6821ft) jct
with FR212 on right to Sheephorn Peak
05.(101.4km~063.0mi, 2123m~6965ft) jct
with FR2, Gilmore Rd to Meadow Lake
06.(104.5km~065.0mi, 2190m~7186ft) TOP:
Gilmore Summit and nearby jct dirt road to
Eighteen Mile road on left
07.(110.7km~068.8mi, 2060m~6759ft) jct
with FR296 Spring Mtn Rd crossing Lemhi
Range on left
08.(136.3km~084.7mi, 1952m~6402ft)
crosses road from west to east, near Pine
Creek and fishing access area
09.(144.4km~089.7mi, 1878m~6161ft) jct
with Pass Creek Rd on left
10.(170.0km~105.6mi, 1014m~3327ft)
START-END SOUTH: jct Id28 - Id22, north
west of Mud Lake |
From North. Leaving the settlement of
Leadore, the road does begin to climb, but just
noticeably. The road runs closer to the Beaverhead
Range on the East Side. The distant rounded shapes
look more like giant anthills from this angle. The
Lemhi Range to the west is a distant rugged wall.
After a short distance you can actually make out
the mountains, lining the valley on the opposite
side of the summit. But it is difficult to tell
that these distant mountains, will not be passed
until after crossing the still 18 mile distant
summit. As the road slowly climbs further it seems
to head right for the Lemhi Range, at one point
barreling straight towards Timber Creek Peak
(10553ft) and Sheephorn Peak. Getting very close
to the summit are two dirt road turnoffs to
Gilmore, an old mining settlement. The last few
miles are actually something of a more than
noticeable climb. The top has large name and
elevation signs. The view down the south side is
even larger in scale than the north side.
From South. (described downwards). The
summit is also a water divide between Eighteen
Mile Creek to the south and Divide Creek to the
north. A dirt road leads to a wilderness study
area along Divide Creek. Our main road continues
to draw closer to the Lemhi Range as it descends
from the summit, but this does not subtract from
their imposing appearance. The place name "Lone
Pine" is signed as being 42 miles distant from the
outskirts of Leadore on the northern approach. But
this "place" does not show up on most maps. When
my odometer turned to 41 I noticed a distant grove
of pine trees silhouetted against snow covered
peaks on the right side of the road, the first
pine trees since many miles before Leadore. Could
"Lone Pine" be just lone pines ? All that was
missing was an official name sign pointing to
them. But as it turned out, people lived at this
"Lone Pine". Don't know how many, but shouldn't be
more than a dozen. It even has a little store
selling gas, chips and soda, and a sign saying
"cafe", meaning "get your burgers here". It goes
without saying that there are no other human
structures or services between Leadore and Lone

An out and back ride: Leadore <> Gilmore
Summit <> Lone Pine measured 86 miles with
2500ft of climbing in 5:4 hours with a little help
from the wind (Vetta 100A r2: 10.9.10)
Fur Trade: A member of David Thompsons
Columbia expedition reportetly discovered this
valley in 1818 while on a trapping expedition with
Michael Bourdon. To other trappers the valley was
known as Cote's Defile.
Mining: It is doubtful that this would be
a named summit if it weren't for miners in the
1880s, who worked Horseshoe Gulch for lead and
silver near the summit. It definitely would not
carry the name Gilmour, and that even though the
miners had no intention of naming it that. in 1902
residents of Horseshoe Gulch filed for a charter
to officially name the town in honor of Jack T
Gilmer. When the written answer came back from
Washington the name was misspelled as Gilmore. The
path of least resistance was to just accept the
unintentional new name. Soon richer deposits were
found in other parts of the valley and a smelter
started operation. Ore and boullion were
transported down the south side of the pass to the
67 mile distant railhead in Dubois, Idaho. For a
short time steam engines were used to pull four
ore carts each. When they wore out they were not
Railroads: A branch railroad named the
Gilmore and Pittsburgh railroad was constructed
over Bannock Pass
from Montana in 1910, then up the north side of
Gilmore summit in order to transport mining ore.
The railroad stopped operation in 1927, due to a
power plant explosion. Before mining operation
could resume the great depression hit in 1929. The
railroad resumed limited operation till 1940 when
the metal rails were finally sold as scrap metal.
