FR2028 Skookumchuck Rd(sh)
The lower Salmon River Canyon and
its ridges, defined by sweeping grassy surfaces,
is a kind of Grand Canyon - if you like to bike on
good dirt roads. Especially the area south around
Grangeville has many big scenic climbs, one of
them is even paved - not this one.
This is a plateau summit So the most
scenic spots are somewhere along the upper
approaches, not the summit itself.
WEST-1: FR2028 branches of US95 in Salmon
River Canyon
2.(03.3m,2090ft)jct with FR463 on right
3.(06.5m,3230ft)jct with Fosket Grade Rd
on left
4.(14.0m,5690ft)Shell's Lick intersection
6.(27.8m,2090ft)START-END WEST-2: same as
From North. The
Skookumchuck Road starts out paved and steep, as
it climbs away from the narrow incised canyon of
the Salmon River. When it turns to dirt it does so
in a very civilized way, with just a thin layer of
occasional small pebbles on a hard surface. After
all - there is dentist located up here, according
to the sign, and dental traffic requires a
reasonable road.
The road finally leaves behind the residential
and dental patient traffic, crosses the creek with
the Indian name, and climbs up the northern side
of the valley with a few switchbacks. A good
workout later comes the junction with Fosskett
Grade road. That option leads to Banner Ridge
Summit and other points.
Following the option for Skookumchuck Rd for just
a couple more miles, the road finally reaches
forest, and crosses the National Forest boundary.
The views reach out unto silvery meadows. On the
other side of the ridge is the Hells Canyon area.
These views only last a few miles before the road
immerses itself again in heavy forest.
At a major intersection, at what seems like the
top stands a sign: Shell's Lick. A number of roads
with different usage patterns intersect here. Many
go to other summit points, some have numbers, some
are on maps. But no sign says where any of them
might lead. Maybe the thinking behind this is: Try
not to get people lost, by persuading them that
the are already lost. Or maybe the reason for this
lack of information are the budget cuts in an ugly
and evil world.
The route to the summit point described here,
turns a hard right onto FR2028 direction Dairy
Mountain. The profile follows the main route
around this mountain to a practically
imperceptible summit point. There are other roads
nearby, that lead a little higher with a little
detour. My map labels one of them as Dairy
Mountain Road.
From South. (described
downwards) After a roll in the forest it turns
out, that my choice of descend turns into FR463
Buefford Flat Rd. It has has a section of even
better views than the other side, where the
descend really starts to get steep. The reason for
the relative exposure is, that this road is not
following a creek but traverses the side of a
hill. The steep multiangular surfaces of Summit
Ridge on the other side of the Salmon River look
like a completely vertical word. You can pick out
around a dozen houses, dots that are almost too
small to be recognizable, scattered on what seems
like a wall of grass from this foreshortened
viewing perspective. There must be roads to all of
these houses.
FR463 passes its own group of settlements hidden
in the forest nearby. This road merges back onto
the Skookumchuch Creek Road.
Dayride with this point as highest summit:
( FR487 -
Seven Devils Rd s(u) | Banner Ridge
Rd(sh) > )
FR2028: Skookumchuch Creek Rd(sh) , Shell's
Lick(sh): about a mile past NF boundary on
Skookkumchuck Creek Rd > up Skookumchuck Rd
> Shell's Lick(sh) <> down unmarked road
going north << turnaround point ~900 ft
below Shell's Lick where road takes on a very
abandoned character >> up FR2028 > FR2028
Skookumchuck Rd(sh) > down FR463 Buefford Flat
Rd > back up Skookumchuck Rd to starting point:
31.8miles with 4560ft of climbing in 4:16hrs
(garmin etrex30 m5:17.7.9)
Notes: comfortable on top but a torturous heat
getting back out ouf the canyon. 90s in the
valleys. - shorter than the route originally
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