Craters of the Moon NM s(u)
This is a smallest of the
small summits. It just barely fits inside
the cutoff criterium, I have set for these
pages, of having a minimum of 300ft
(~100m) elevation gain on the approaches,
before they (possibly) meet up again. For
somebody visiting this national monument,
it probably comes as a surprise that there
is any climbing at all involved to cycle
to it.
It just goes to show, that thinking of the
world in terms of summit points is not
necessarily an exercise in boasting about
finishing big climbs. It is just a way of
thinking about the world, about
categorizing it, and ordering it, about
putting things in neatly labeled drawers.
Some of us cannot escape this desire,
while it drives others crazy.
crosses Big Lost River, south of
2.profile turns onto loop road in
the national monument
3.TOP: 6060ft, highest point on Loop
4.START-END WEST: lowest point on
loop rd 5760ft, shortly before road
merges back into loop road
From East. Leaving
Arco on US20,36,93 the road is flat and
straight, and often windy. The slope
increases so slightly but constantly, that
it is impossible to determine an inflection
But by the time the turnoff to
Craters of the Moon is reached, the vantage
point onto the Lost River Range behind Arco
has changed quite a bit, and so has the view
onto the grassy slopes of the Pioneer
The park road leads past a
veritable administration city and the
campground suburbs into the black rock
landscape. The summit point happens during a
small one way loop. Here also starts
an ever so short walking path to the top of
a cinder cone, where many of the pictures on
this page are taken.
By the way, staying on
US20/36/93 the road continues over a
separate defined summit point at about
6000ft. This area constitutes an outlier of
the Pioneer Mountains, as they end into the
Snake River Plain.
West. (described downwards). A short
but very steep stretch leads to a junction,
with an out and back park road, going to
tree molds left in the lava. This road does
not lead any lower, but it does constitute a
few more miles of unique scenery. As
mentioned the low point on the one way loop
is just barely 300ft below the summit, where
the profile joins the other approach.
cLiCk on image ,
arrows , or thumbnails to advance
Dayride with this point
as highest summit:
( <
Pass |
Campground s(u) > )
Craters of the Moon National
Monument(sh): Outskirts of Arco >
US23 west > Craters of the Moon NM road
south <> out and back to Devil's
Orchard area >> Craters of the Moon
NM(sh) <> out and back to treemolds
trailhead area >> Craters of the Moon
loop road north > jct with US23 <>
out and back on US23 west to turnaround
point a short distance beyond the summit
>> US23 east back to starting point in
Arco: 52.0miles with 1760ft of climbing in
4:14hrs (garmin etrex30 r4:20.6.10, t20_06)
Notes: warm but still comfortable
A Day on a Tour with this point as highest
summit point
Actually it took two days to approach this
point and ride over it, in order to take
advantage of staying at the NM campground
for a night. The occasion was my first long
bicycle tour, a ride from New York to
California in 1973, starting after finishing
the thing called high school.