Banner Ridge Rd s(u)
The Clearwater Mountains south of
Grangeville have a large number of steep, smoothly
surfaced dirt road climbs. Like many other summit
points in this area, this point can be approached
many different ways, and the pictures and
description are for the particular approach I
tried out.
SOUTH: FR2028 branches of US95 in Salmon
River Canyon
2.(03.3m,2090ft)jct with FR463 on right
3.(06.5m,3230ft)route turns left onto
Fosket Grade Rd
4.(07.9m,3880ft)route turns right onto
Banner Ridge Rd
6.(10.7m,4540ft)profile turns left on Free
Use rd
7.(18.0m,1840ft)profile turns left on Old
White Bird Rd
8.(19.8m,1560ft)START-END NORTH: White
Bird (village)
From South. The first
part of the approach up Skookumchuck Creek Road is
common to the FR2028
Skookumchuck Rd(sh). At about 3200ft
elevation a sign stating Fosskett Summit points in
direction of a sinusoidal traverse up a bare
grassy hillside. The profile follows this. This
section is smooth but steep.
On top of the ridge the visitor is not only
greeted by a view of the Salmon Canyon, but also a
decision about which way to proceed at a T
junction. This is Banner Ridge Rd and the profile
goes right uphill. Surprisingly this is anything
but a wilderness up here. The road goes past a
large well endowed home, following the edge of
this slanted plateau shelf uphill. There is a
continuous great view towards the north. The
summit appears immediately after the road turns
away from the edge, in the forest, without views
From North. (described
downwards) There is another shelf with an incised
canyon waiting on this side, another T junction
too. Going right leads to higher points on another
good dirt road and eventually to Id14. The profile
turns left and takes a fast descent, mostly
between farms and hay bails, with widely variable
grades, in order to swoop down onto the village
White Bird like a falling bomb. The last part is
paved. - Great views of the switchbacks on Old White
Bird Grade.
A Dayride with this point as highest summit:
( < FR2028
Skookumchuck Rd(sh) | FR5080
King's Lake Rd - Halfmoon Lake Rd s(u) >
Banner Ridge Rd s(u) , Old
White Bird Hill Rd s(u) , White Bird
Hill Rd(sh) : starting at ~4600ft on
Skookumchuck Creek Rd > down Skookumchuch Creek
Rd > up Fosskett Ridge Rd > up Banner Rd
> Banner Rd s(u) > down Free Use Rd >
White Bird > up old White Bird Grade > up
US95 > up Old White Bird Hill Rd > White
Bird Hill s(u) > down north side of White Bird
Hill Rd > Lake Rd west > US95 south >
White Bird Hill Rd(sh) > new US95 north > up
Skookumchuck Creek Rd back to starting point:
57.0miles with 7860ft of climbing in 6:47hrs
(garmin etrex30 m5:17.7.10)
Notes: on top of White Bird Rd s(u) I met Susie
and Stefan in their rented Wohnmobil, from Texas
and Stuttgart, who were kind enough to let me
refill a bottle of water, and talk to me about
Suttgart and El Paso . Another slow and
hot ride.
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