01.(6930ft,mile00) START-END NORTH: junction Posey Lake Road, Ut24, south of
02.(7810ft,mile08) stay left 03.(9750ft,mile20) stay left 04.(10040ft,mile25) TOP: junction with dirt track on left to Willow Bottom 05.(10000ft,mile25) Roundy Lake 06.(9640ft,mile28) road on right goes to Griffin Top; continue straight 07.(9870ft,mile30) Cyclone Lake 08.(8480ft,mile35) stay left 09.(8010ft,mile36) T junction onto Hell's Backbone Road. Profile continues left towards Boulder. Right goes to Escalante. 10.(7650ft,mile38) low point 11.(8190ft,mile39) high point 12.(7730ft,mile41) low point 13.(9160ft,mile46) Hell's Backbone Road summit(u) 14.(8750ft,mile47) Hell's Backbone Bridge 15.(7820ft,mile50) low point 16.(8390ft,mile51) first high point 17.(6770ft,mile61) START-END SOUTH: junction dirt road and Ut12 south of Boulder
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